Essay Writing Skills for High School Students
Homework is an integral part of the educational experience of high school students. It helps reinforce the concepts learned in school, find practical applications for these, and strengthen understanding and retention of new ideas. Homework in technical subjects often involves hands-on projects that hone presentation and research skills. For creative subjects and languages, homework is more experimental and subjective. In any case, homework has been associated with student achievement because it provides an opportunity to practice. In fact, American teens are spending twice as long on homework assignments as teens did back in the 1990s.
Homework and Writing Skills
Let’s consider the tasks given as a part of a language homework, like an English assignment asking you to write about your favorite protagonist in Jane Austen novels or asking you to comment on the use of imagery in Robert Frost’s poetry. To write a good essay on such topics, you need two things:
Compelling ideas and opinions about characters or poetic devices
Expressing those ideas using the right words
The latter implies the need for a strong vocabulary, practising this vocabulary at the right times, and forming multiple cohesive sentences together. Writing, therefore, is an important skill to master. Students’ writing skills and expression can make a world of difference to their education. But not all students are natural wordsmiths. Many students often need to practice to improve their command of words.
Writing is a crucial skill, even for assignments that aren’t testing your creativity. Writing short answers or long essays, irrespective of the subject necessitates clarity in writing. Additionally, when high school students graduate, they will be required to write essays and cover letters as part of their admissions application. If you figure out how to improve your writing skills, you will reap benefits in all aspects of your academic life.
Writing skills are a valuable weapon to have in your armory. Let’s look at some writing tips to help you get better at it.
Read more. Read as much as you can, and then read some more! Research tells us that reading is a part of your writing process and significantly improves your writing skills. We learn by example, so you learn through osmosis if you read good literature. When we read a lot, we begin to incorporate various writing styles into our writing as well. Reading can help lay down the groundwork for discovering your voice.
Journal regularly
Journaling has many benefits. It provides a safe space for reflection, but it also acts as a powerful tool for learning creative writing and honing critical thinking skills. It strengthens expressions and helps you write focused arguments.
Journaling every day is, therefore, a good practice. Journal-based writing exercises are not time-consuming or strenuous, but they still help you practice your creative muscles.
Take notes diligently
Note-taking helps you engage with what you’re learning more proactively. It boosts understanding and enables you to retain information better. You can also come back to your notes if you cannot understand something later. Your notes can serve many purposes – revision, flashcards, quizzing – but one of the most underrated benefits of note-taking is that it strengthens your writing skills.
Through note-taking, you are effectively summarizing the important parts of your lessons. This exercise teaches you the art of saying more using fewer words.
Another good practice to help bolster your writing skills is outlining. When you sit down to write a lengthy research paper, don’t just dive right into it. Sit with the topic, make points, and chalk up an outline for your essay. This one hack alone can improve your writing.
Get help from a tutor
You don’t have to do this alone! Writing is one of those skills that benefit from constant feedback. This is why we recommend that you seek external mentors who can read your writing, point out areas for improvement, areas of strength, and share more resources and tips. You can get guidance from a resource like Tutoreye, where a tutor can provide you with hands-on advice and essay writing help. It can also help you formalize your journey of enhancing your essay writing skills.
Be brief
As the saying goes, “Brevity is the soul of wit.” The point is simple: always choose to do that if you can make your point by using fewer words. Be succinct in your expression and avoid fluff at all costs. This reinforces how practicing note-taking can help you improve your writing skills too.
Another bonus essay writing tip: use simpler words. It boosts comprehension and brings clarity to your points.
With these points in mind, write everyday. With practice and patience, your essays will receive As in no time!
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